We often experience fear because of our own internal chatterbox. The voice that tells us negatively what we can’t do, can’t have or can’t achieve. The negative self talk often takes over and prevents us from using our full potential.

The fear is internal and is supported by a little neat system of thoughts, which we cleverly use to avoid dealing directly with our self-imposed dread.

Every time we reach inward and tune into the negative chatterbox and start to listen to these fear statements, we are maintaining our fear-based mentality. Once we have begun this process the victim stamp will soon be evident on our forehead, because this process prevents us from making happy, healthy choices. We need to learn to toss away those negative panicky thoughts and replace them with positive ones. We need to learn how to turn off this negative chatterbox.

Remember that you are always a worthy, important human being and there is never any reason to conduct yourself or allow others to pull or push you in any direction in which your basic merit as a human being is challenged. You may be able to believe this on a good day, but on a bad day, you start to tune into your negative chatterbox, and life becomes pessimistic and fearful.

So, we need to begin positive, loving, supporting thoughts. The type of thoughts you would have about your best friend. The type of things you would say to someone you loved, respected and admired. We need to learn to say positive things to ourselves and begin to change our negative thought process.

However, progress and growth are impossible if you always do things the way you have always done things. You are learning how to step out of your comfort zone. you are learning new and exciting ways of how to view yourself in a positive, healthy, supportive way and you need to honour this as an achievement.

You are learning to shift your negative belief system into a more powerful positive encouraging one. You are learning to build your confidence, improve your self-esteem and integrate a positive self-image by the thoughts you create for yourself. You are freeing yourself from all the negative,unloving, disempowering thoughts that you have carried around with you from childhood.  You can free yourself from this negative emotional baggage. The freest people in the world are those who have a sense of inner peace within themselves.

A special kind of freedom comes with this, the freedom to choose loving, supportive, encouraging thoughts about yourself.

Now that seems like a good idea!